Saturday, September 9, 2017

4. Muscle Building – One Simple Fact You Should Not Ignore

Mark Twain said “There are two problems with man. He can’t understand facts that are too difficult. He ignores facts that are too simple.” ( I am paraphrasing what he said.) 

It is amazing how people ignore simple facts and do things as if they are not aware of these. This applies to muscle building also. I want to bring to your attention a few simple facts about muscle building which you surely know but, in your anxiety to build muscles fast,  may forget to consider! In this post, I will talk about just one fact.

Muscle Building Takes Time!

Oh!  ‘What cheek!  Do you have to tell me this?’ you may cuss. But,I had to say this quite a few people who complained to me about their muscles not building up soon enough. 

When I was in college, our  professor posed a simple question to the class ”When you put  sugar in water, why is it that it doesn’t dissolve immediately?” It so happened that I was the one to come out with a quick answer “Because diffusion takes time.” 

The professor looked at me in astonishment as if wondering ‘What cheek this moron has to say this!’ But he stunned me and the whole class by saying “Those were the exact words used by Fisher!” (Fisher was the scientist who along with Wright crated a model for Diffusion.) This incident has always made me wonder how there is an incredible simplicity behind even complex scientific theories.

Well, to come back to muscle building, please keep in mind to give muscle building some time. After all, the muscles have to grow and “muscle building takes time,” as Fisher would have said if he was studying the process of building muscles! 

The most tragic thing about your attempts to build your muscles or to develop six pack abs could be giving up your efforts when they are about to yield results. It could be very much like nurturing a plant for a few months, getting impatient with the plant not showing any flowers and plucking it out just at the time when the plant was about to come out with its first batch of flowers.

When I started writing this post, I wanted to cover a few simple facts which people doing weight training exercises often fail to give weight to (no pun intended!) and wait (no pun, again!), but as I was writing this post, it occurred to me that this one fact that giving up your efforts at building muscles without giving the exercise the needed time for results to show up would be the most expensive (in terms of time and efforts) and most thoughtless thing to do, deserved a separate post by itself. So, I am stopping here (to your relief!) reserving the other facts I had in my mind for another post, which could hit you any time soon!

Good luck with your muscle building!

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