Monday, September 11, 2017

5. Muscle Building – Understand the Process of Muscle Building

Many people are interested in muscle building (and so you are!). Muscles make a man, at least from a woman’s perspective (as understood from men’s perspective!) 

You start working towards the goal of building muscles. You go to a gym or buy some equipment and begin to practice weight training.

After undergoing a strenuous process of weight training for a fairly long period, you find that your muscles have not developed at all. If anything, you have become a little fatter because of eating a little more, with your exercises having made you fatigued and crave for more food!

In many tasks, failures often occur in the beginning. When you begin a process, you need to understand how the process operates. 

So, begin by understanding what makes your muscles grow strong. As they say in philosophy, knowledge will liberate you. It will liberate you from ignorance, false ideas, misconceptions and myths.

Muscle building is very much like becoming rich! How do you become rich? If you earn more than what you spend (or spend less than what you earn!), you save money. Your savings build your wealth and make you rich.

You build muscles when your body makes more proteins than it uses up and has some surplus that it can store. 

Your body makes protein by a process called protein synthesis. Protein is also used up by your body for various activities like making hormones, repairing and building new cells etc. In short, protein is needed for growth. That is why children, pregnant women and teenagers need more protein. If the protein synthesized by the body is more than what is consumed, the excess is stored by the body. 

The quantity of proteins  stored  in the body determines how strong your muscles would be built.
Since you may not be able to control the quantum of proteins needed by the body, you will have more protein stored in your body by increasing the intake of your protein. 

The important sources of protein are pulses, whole grains, dairy products and meat.

So if you are interested in muscle building, take care to consume enough protein by following an appropriate diet. Needless to say, the protein intake should be balanced with the intake of other ingredients like carbohydrates etc to ensure that your diet is balanced. Consuming excess protein can harm your body in several ways. 

What you should remember is that focusing on only exercises without paying attention to what you eat will not help you build muscles. 

Saturday, September 9, 2017

4. Muscle Building – One Simple Fact You Should Not Ignore

Mark Twain said “There are two problems with man. He can’t understand facts that are too difficult. He ignores facts that are too simple.” ( I am paraphrasing what he said.) 

It is amazing how people ignore simple facts and do things as if they are not aware of these. This applies to muscle building also. I want to bring to your attention a few simple facts about muscle building which you surely know but, in your anxiety to build muscles fast,  may forget to consider! In this post, I will talk about just one fact.

Muscle Building Takes Time!

Oh!  ‘What cheek!  Do you have to tell me this?’ you may cuss. But,I had to say this quite a few people who complained to me about their muscles not building up soon enough. 

When I was in college, our  professor posed a simple question to the class ”When you put  sugar in water, why is it that it doesn’t dissolve immediately?” It so happened that I was the one to come out with a quick answer “Because diffusion takes time.” 

The professor looked at me in astonishment as if wondering ‘What cheek this moron has to say this!’ But he stunned me and the whole class by saying “Those were the exact words used by Fisher!” (Fisher was the scientist who along with Wright crated a model for Diffusion.) This incident has always made me wonder how there is an incredible simplicity behind even complex scientific theories.

Well, to come back to muscle building, please keep in mind to give muscle building some time. After all, the muscles have to grow and “muscle building takes time,” as Fisher would have said if he was studying the process of building muscles! 

The most tragic thing about your attempts to build your muscles or to develop six pack abs could be giving up your efforts when they are about to yield results. It could be very much like nurturing a plant for a few months, getting impatient with the plant not showing any flowers and plucking it out just at the time when the plant was about to come out with its first batch of flowers.

When I started writing this post, I wanted to cover a few simple facts which people doing weight training exercises often fail to give weight to (no pun intended!) and wait (no pun, again!), but as I was writing this post, it occurred to me that this one fact that giving up your efforts at building muscles without giving the exercise the needed time for results to show up would be the most expensive (in terms of time and efforts) and most thoughtless thing to do, deserved a separate post by itself. So, I am stopping here (to your relief!) reserving the other facts I had in my mind for another post, which could hit you any time soon!

Good luck with your muscle building!

Friday, September 8, 2017

3. Muscle Building – Some Questions to Ponder

Everyone is interested in muscle building. Who doesn’t want to develop six pack abs? But unfortunately, only a few people succeed in building muscles. While a large section of people who begin to develop their muscles give up after sometime,  a sizable section of people fail to succeed even after persistent efforts.

If yu belong to the second category – those who didn’t give up but still didn’t get results – then you may have to consider a few questions. These questions address the larger question as to why  muscle building efforts do not yield results for some people. The other question whether there is a method that will work for anyone also arises as a supplementary to this question.

I will take up for questions that are often being asked and will answer them to the best of my knowledge.

1.      1.  Are genetic factors preventing you from succeeding in muscle building?
There is an opinion among certain people that you can’t build muscles if you are not genetically equipped for that. This means that if your ancestors were all skinny, you can’t expect to have six pack abs! I think that this is not a plausible factor. Certain physiological features like obesity often suggest a hereditary influence. But it is possible for anyone to build his body the way he wants.

2.      2.  Do you have to eat foods rich in proteins and vitamins?
The kind of food you eat definitely has an influence on how your body is built. But muscle building doesn’t depend on your eating food rich in certain nutrients. You need to eat healthy food alright. But you can eat simple food and can still build muscles much better than those who eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals..

3.    3. Does every person need a different kind of muscle building program?
Building muscles is very much similar to building a structure. You need the right ingredients, you need to mix them in a particular proportion and you need to build the structure through physical efforts.  A no nonsense muscle building program that takes care of these three factors viz. the right ingredients, the right proportions and a series of efforts designed to achieve the results is bound to work the same way for everyone.

4.    4.   Can I build muscles at my own pace?
Yes. You can choose to do a muscle building program in a slow pace or you can choose to go on a fast track. But what is important is sustained efforts. You can’t take a break and come back after sometime. If you do so, then you will have to start from the beginning.

So,  study a suitable weight training/muscle building training program, decide  how much time and efforts you are willing to contribute towards this turbulence training program, work out a plan and stick to it. You will see success whether you want to build your muscles or you want to develop  six pack abs.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

2. No Nonsense Muscle Building- Why the Muscle Building Techniques Didn’t Work for You

Muscle Building  is a passionate goal of many people.  There are innumerable approaches to building muscles based on diverse theories.

Most of the people who follow one or more of the approaches recommended by various sources end up frustrated since they have not been able to achieve the objective in spite of their sincere and sustained efforts.

If you don’t get success after following a particular muscle building program, whose fault is this? Is it your fault or the fault of the system you have followed?

If you have followed a system earnestly conforming to the guidelines and directions given but have still failed, then the fault may not lie with you.

Does it mean you can blame the system you have been following?  But, the people who have offered this system to you may claim that it has worked for  some others.

The explanation could be that all systems may have something good about them. But all systems do not suit all people.

Therefore, you should look for a system that can help anyone who follows it. There might be very few systems and products that satisfy this criterion.

Such a system can be called a No Nonsense Muscle Building system.

In fact there is a system that is named No Nonsense MuscleBuilding system, Created by  Vince DeMonte. This  product makes the task of building muscles an achievable task.

DeMonte’s 201 page book on building muscles has helped  people between the two extremes of being skinny and being fatty build muscled.

Being a no nonsense guide, it has no fluff or hype but only stuff that has value. This book comes with an incredible pack of 12 bonuses which enhance the value of the book several times.

You can buy Vince DeMonte’s No Nonsence Muscle Building  with all the bonuses for a very attractive and special price here.

With a 60-day money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Take the first step towards building muscles  now.