What kind of Weight Training Program do you follow?
Many people follow some
weight training program or other but only very few bother to find out whether they have the Right Weight Training. You may be surprised to know that this knowledge makes the
crucial difference between the success and failure of a weight training program.
What do I mean by the "right" program?

A program is judged right or not right based on several parameters. First of all there is something called the correct volume. Correct volume refers to how much weight should be lifted, how many repetitions should be there, how long should one session last and what should be the frequency like daily, on alternate days, biweekly etc. Determining the
correct training volume can be difficult, especially when you are first starting out. You can seek the advice of a trainer. If you are starting on your own, you need to use your own judgment in this case, based on your recovery ability and your recovery methods. Better play safe by starting
The importance of Recovery:

It is very essential that you recover and improve after every single workout. What happens, if you feel that you are not fully recovered after a work-out? You can either continue to train at a lower intensity, or skip the workout entirely. This is where many people go wrong. They begin their workout an then realize that they have not fully recovered. It may be a hard decision to take, but skipping the workout is the right way to go. When your body is telling you that it needs more rest, and you must listen to it! Turn around, go home and relax!
The importance of Proper Nutrition

Diet plays a huge role in
muscle building program. A proper diet helps in regulating hormone levels, provides energy, and the raw building blocks that are used to create new tissue. Breakfast is a very important component of your diet and never skip it!
The importance of Rest

Rest and recovery are as essential as the training itself. Inadequate rest and insufficient rest will defeat the purpose of the training and your muscles will just not get strengthened. You need to have at least 7 hours of sleep each night. As for recovery time, it is very important. Having days off between
weight training workouts will ensure that you have sufficient recovery time.